Archive Mode. Call CREATE! Utah ended on 4/15/16, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Terms & Conditions


By submitting this application you are stating your acceptance of these terms and conditions:

  • CREATE! Utah is open exclusively to Utah based printing companies, and designers
  • Students (9th grade - college) must be enrolled in a graphic arts program in Utah at the time the work was produced. The work must have been produced by the student (from native file through finished product) within the institution in which enrolled. 
  • The company entering the piece must have performed at least 50% of the printing and sold the job, or created the design, performed special treatment or bindery.
  • Entries must have been produced between January 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016 to be eligible.
  • You may submit as many entries as you like; however, no more than 10 pieces in any one category.
  • Once juried in, two hard copies of each piece entered in each category will need to be submitted. Shipping instructions will be included in your admittance email.  
  • The Printing Industries of Utah (PIU) reserves the right to reject and disqualify any entry that, in its judgment, is vulgar, offensive, or not suitable for consideration or exhibit. PIU reserves the right to refuse, upon arrival, any piece for unacceptable quality not discernible in the digital image, or damage caused by shipment. The juror's decision is final.
  • PIU reserves the right to edit text for clarity and brevity.
  • By entering this competition, permission is granted to PIU for reproduction of artwork for catalog and/or advertising purposes. 
  • Accepted entries must be shipped via the commercial carrier of the artist's choice. All shipping costs are to be paid for by the artist. Work should be securely and appropriately wrapped or packed for shipping. PIU is not responsible for submissions that arrive damaged. 
  • While utmost care will be taken in handling entries and artwork, neither PIU, Salt Lake Community College, or its representatives will be responsible for damage or loss from any cause.


Deadline for entries - March 31, 2016    11:59 pm
Notifications of acceptance sent - April 8, 2016 end of day
Work must be arrive through mail or hand delivered - April 21, 2016
Winners notified - April 29, 2016 end of day
Additional Ceremony & Party Tickets deadline - May 11, 2016 end of day 
Awards Ceremony & Party - May 20, 2016    6:00 - 9:00 pm


This call has agreed to Terms & Conditions